23 Weeks!


 Pregnancy Update: 

How far along? 23 Weeks

Baby is the size of a:  Grapefruit!

Total weight gain:  About 8 – 9 lbs

Baby is a:  Girl!

Stretch marks? Nope.  I’m still using bio oil at the moment.

Symptoms:  A lot of stretching going on around my belly.  Sometimes I feel like my belly button is about to pop.

Sleep:  Pretty good.  I only wake up once to go pee in the middle of the night.

Best moment this week:  My hubby taking me to our favourite french restaurant where I enjoyed a silky, buttery seared sea bass over a bed of garlic mashed potatoes and local vegetables.  He had the moules et frites!  I worked on his fries after I devoured my meal.  hehe. 😉  We also bought our change table as well.  Another thing to check off our list. =)

Worst moment of the week:  I woke up in the middle of the night this week with major cramps.  I was in the fetal position for about 15 minutes before the pain went away.  She was also moving a ton that night so I’m thinking either my uterus was stretching like mad or it was gas (TMI?).

Have you told family and friends:  Yes!

Miss Anything?  I miss running.  I’m currently coaching track at school and want to run with the kids so bad.  Instead, I simply demonstrate proper running form and constantly yell ‘keep going’ & ‘run run run.’

Movement:  Tons!  Especially when I hit the pillow to go to sleep.  I honestly don’t mind the kicking at all.  It’s comforting to know she’s having a good time in there and is active.  However, its when she kicks me near my girly parts that makes me jump out of my seat!  lol.

Food Cravings:  Orange juice, smoothies, tropical fruit (I ate 4 gigantic mangoes this week all by myself), apples, wow…I guess I’m craving fruits lately.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.

Have you started to show yet?  Oh yes.  No longer look like I was only carrying extra holiday weight. 😉

Belly Button in or out?  In

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!

Looking forward to:  getting a registry started and gearing up for the nursery.

Inspired by Claes Oldenburg

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I don’t know if it’s my pregnancy cravings kicking in or the fact that we just learned about taste buds in our human body unit in class, but burgers were definitely on my mind.  It’s no wonder I decided to introduce Claes Oldenburg’s famous art work to the students in my class…especially, his famous floor burger.  Hence, the making of our big and juicy burger pop art began!  =)  The kids absolutely loved building their gigantic burgers and were super creative with what they wanted to add to it.  They suggested different kinds of cheese (swiss, cheddar, provolone), vegetables and even sauces like mayonnaise and triple o’ sauce (you’d know what that is if you’ve ever been to white spot).  I think my little hamburger helpers did a fantastic job, don’t you?  Thanks for reading. =)

22 Weeks!

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It’s been a super busy week but I’m glad the long weekend has finally arrived.  I wanted to share something funny that a co-worker shared with me.  A few weeks ago, when I finally announced my pregnancy to my students (and the word spread super fast on the playground), my colleague told me in the staff room that a few of my students that I taught last year went up to her that day and the conversation went like this:

Students:  “Ms. T is having a baby!!!”

Teacher:  “Oh I know, it’s so exciting isn’t it?”

Student:  “But Ms. T looks too young to be having a baby.”

LOL!  It really makes me wonder how old they think I am.

Pregnancy Update: 

How far along? 22 Weeks

Baby is the size of a:  Papaya!

Total weight gain/loss:  About 5 to 6 lbs.

Baby is a:  Girl!

Stretch marks? Nope.  I’m still using bio oil at the moment.

Symptoms:  Feeling really tired at the end of a work day and napping for 2 hours before waking up to eat dinner.

Sleep:  Pretty good.  I only wake up once to go pee in the middle of the night.

Best moment this week:  Purchasing our crib for the baby girl.  For all the mommas to be, do this early because apparently many of them take up to 3 months to ship.  Hopefully mine arrives before the baby does. haha.

Worst moment of the week:  I had the worst heartburn this week.  Tums are like candies to me now.  I have a box at home, work and in my bag at all times.

Have you told family and friends:  Yes!

Miss Anything?  The hubs and I went for sushi this week and for the first time I actually missed eating sashimi.  Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was eating it right in front of me and constantly saying how fresh it was.

Movement:  A lot at night and sometimes even during the day when I’m just sitting down.  Too early to sign her up for soccer? 😉

Food Cravings:  Orange juice, anything salty (chips, dips, soups)  My sweet tooth completely disappeared for the first two trimesters.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.

Have you started to show yet?  Oh yes…my co-workers tell me that my belly finally popped out this week.  lol.

Belly Button in or out?  In

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!  (insert Pharrell William’s happy song)

Looking forward to:  Easter long weekend and checking more things off the to-do list. 😉